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Abhijith PA

Hello, I'm Abhijith. A Free Software enthusiast.

Debian packaging session

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Last week I conducted a workshop on Debian packaging at MES College of Engineering, Kuttipuram in accordance with Frisbee 19, yearly conference by IEEE cell of this college. Thanks to Anupa from ICFOSS who contacted and arranged me to take this session. I was accompanied by Subin and Abhijith from FOSSers. The time span was from 9:30 AM to 04:30 PM. Since it was a big time slot we took from the Free software evangelism –> GNU/Linux –> Debian –> how contributing to community projects can help your career.

Subin introduced Debian history, philosophy and release processes to the students. I started with a hello world program packaging and later to ruby gem packaging with gem2deb. Abhijith helped students who got stuck while packaging. At the end of the session we did a small quiz and gifted them with debian stickers and conference merchandises.

Thanks to the volunteers for setting up the prerequisites.